Pullip Rio

Pullip Rio

Hi everyone! :D

Little Rio will be looking for a home in the Shop next ThursdayNovember 09th2017 at 19:00 spanish timezone (GMT+1) (+ info in the Newsletter).

Please read the following:
Due to problems in some sales I have been forced to change the purchase system. From now on the button instead of being called "buy it now" will be called "purchase request".
When you click this button you just have to follow the steps: verify your personal info and choose between full payment or layaway. When you finish I will receive the purchase request and I will answer you as soon as possible. Please stay tuned to your email.
The reason for that is simple, on one hand I will be offering layaway payments (You can read the details for layaway in her gallery, in "help"section and also in the purchase request) and on the other hand, this is the only way I can avoid people clicking the "buy it now" button quickly, leaving the doll as "sold" and then not paying for it, leaving another possible interested person without choice.
Basically it's the same as sending an email to get the doll, only it will be done on the web.
In case I receive more than one purchase request for the doll I will follow the order in which I have receive it. Please only serious buyers.

IMPORTANT!! Remember that you must refresh the page at the time of the sale so that the "purchase request" button appears!

If you have any question feel free to contact me through "Contact me" inside HELP section in the main menu.

Pullip Rise *private sale*

Pullip Rise *private sale*

Hi everyone! ^_^

This is little Rise, a private sale for Theresa ♥

Thank you so much! :D

*For more info about private sales you can email me: poisongirlfaceups@gmail.com

Pullip Phoebe *private sale*

Pullip Phoebe *private sale*

Hi everyone! ^_^

This is little Phoebe, a private sale for Alessandra ♥

Thank you so much! :D

*For more info about private sales you can email me: poisongirlfaceups@gmail.com

Pullip Yuna

Pullip Yuna

Hi everyone! :D

Little Yuna will be looking for a home in the Shop next SaturdayOctober 28th2017 at 18:00 spanish timezone (GMT+1) (+ info in the Newsletter).

Please read the following:
Due to problems in some sales I have been forced to change the purchase system. From now on the button instead of being called "buy it now" will be called "purchase request".
When you click this button you just have to follow the steps: verify your personal info and choose between full payment or layaway. When you finish I will receive the purchase request and I will answer you as soon as possible. Please stay tuned to your email.
The reason for that is simple, on one hand I will be offering layaway payments (You can read the details for layaway in her gallery, in "help"section and also in the purchase request) and on the other hand, this is the only way I can avoid people clicking the "buy it now" button quickly, leaving the doll as "sold" and then not paying for it, leaving another possible interested person without choice.
Basically it's the same as sending an email to get the doll, only it will be done on the web.
In case I receive more than one purchase request for the doll I will follow the order in which I have receive it. Please only serious buyers.

IMPORTANT!! Remember that you must refresh the page at the time of the sale so that the "purchase request" button appears!

If you have any question feel free to contact me through "Contact me" inside HELP section in the main menu.

Pullip Bonbon *private sale*

Pullip Bonbon *private sale*

Hi everyone! ^_^

This is little Bonbon, a private sale for Lucie ♥

Thank you so much! :D

*For more info about private sales you can email me: poisongirlfaceups@gmail.com